Monday, February 05, 2007

I 'wannabe' famous

This week's prompt for the CHBM is
famous moms you want to meet
OK, I think I may have suggested this topic, and I'm stupified. Brain freeze!

I'm really not sure who I'd want to meet. I could answer Reese Witherspoon because she seems to be a working mom who has it all together - beautiful and talented. (Granted, that could be all the smoke and mirrors of Hollywood, hence the use of the word "seems.") But the more I think about it, the more I think I wouldn't want to meet her because she's no longer with Ryan Phillippe and I'd want to meet him too.

And while we're talking about hot significant others, I'd probably say Victoria Beckham because I loved her as Posh Spice (notice the Spice Girls reference in my post's title) and I love her hubby David Beckham.

But if I had to seriously sit down and think about a famous mom I'd want to converse with, it would be Carol Lin.

As if being an Asian American journalist wasn't enough reason for me to want to meet her (she's the weekend anchor over at CNN), she has endured more hardship than I would ever wish on another woman.

Like me, she never saw herself as the maternal type, but when she met and fell in love with her soulmate, they decided to take the plunge into parenthood. But even before her daughter was crawling, cancer killed Lin's husband.

I read an article about Lin a few months back, and ever since then, she's become an inspriration of sorts to me. If only we could all take struggles as gracefully as she has. She fought strong in the face of millions in front of a camera. All I have to do is face myself in the mirror. Maybe one day I'll learn to be a strong role model to my daughter, like she is to hers.

1 comment : said...

Good choice! I love famous moms who actually seem to WANT to mother. Working moms are all very inspiring to me.

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