Monday, February 05, 2007

BrewTube XLI

My beloved Chicago Bears lost the Super Bowl. But I'll let you in on a little secret -- I was hoping they'd lose. When you grew up in Cleveland, you just *expect* certain cities to always be cursed when it comes to sports. Chicago is one of those cities.

While those in the Windy City will play Monday morning quarterback, you know the rest of the nation is focused on BrewTube -- all the Super Bowl commercials.

If you ask me, they were all lacking this year.

My favorite is sure to not be in anyone's top 5, but the FedEx Ground ad is hilarious for those of us with that weird dry sense of humor.

The teeny bopper in me liked the K-Fed commercial and Budweiser's rock, paper, scissors.

Dad2Amara was particularly fond of Blockbuster's how to use a mouse.

But what was most shocking to me was not the last of glitz and glam with this year's ads but was the amount of violence in the commercials.

Given my line of work, I'm usually really not vulnerable to it, but Amara actually brought it up. Seriously.

She saw the Garmin commercial where the map man and the GPS man come to life and duke it out. She immediately said, "Mom, they're killing each other."

Wow, how does a 3 year old come to that conclusion on her own?

But apparently she's not alone in her opinion. Today's New York Times reports that the ads maybe reflects on the toll of the war.

Maybe I let her watch too much prime time TV...

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