Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Year resolutions

New Year cliche!

But year after year, we do an obligatory look at our lives and determine what needs to be done to "fix" what is broken.

And while most of my resolutions never stick -- I always aim for the pie in the sky -- this year, I have told myself that things will be different.

In 2007, I want to be healthy. Not just for me but for Amara.

I have always thought about becoming vegetarian. But after watching a story last night on the Nightly News and then reading this article I think 2007 may be the year to at least lean more towards it. Now, I don't think I can give up seafood that easily and considering my Filipino mother never served my sister or I vegetables when we were growing up, it may be difficult. But in college, I gave up all red meat and felt the healthiest I had ever felt. So maybe that will be my starting point.

Then after our summer vacation, I stopped running. And I really did enjoy my daily runs. It was time for myself - time to rejuvenate. And I got to see a lot of my neighborhood, a lot of things that I would have easily ignored or drove right past. So I am also resolving to run more. Maybe I'll even get to my first 5K!

So that takes care of me physically, but I also believe in your mental well being. So I also resolve to blog more. Why? Because blogging is like an e-journal for me. And while I know not to divulge some intimate details (I do have family members reading), I can look at my posts and reflect on how far me, my dear hubby, and Amara have come.

So this year, my resolutions won't be cliche. I promise it'll be a way of life. Because a healthier me means a healthier mom2amara.


psoup said...

AWESOME! although i have a theory about vegetarians and skin tone, and being a former runner turned swimmer due to two back surgeries, i can't say i agree with your choices but then that's none of my business, is it? i applaud the fact that you are making resolutions, and why you are making those resolutions!
and keep on blogging! i am so disappointed at the so-called professionals (who blog for a living) who have slacked on their posts during the holidays. hurray for mom2amara!
here's to a great new year! - psoup said...

Very well said! We will definitely have to be supportive and encouraging to one another, and other resolving moms out there this year.

Ms Eva said...

Great! I made the same resolutions last year and kept them! I even ran my first marathon! A 5K is definately doable! I'm there to support you! :)

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